Wednesday, October 26, 2005

This is the lockkeeper's house, dating from the 1840s, that was built to house the family of the man who would would have been hired to operate locks on the Des Moines River between Iowaville and Eldon had they been built. Signs of danger to this publicy-owned building are the damaged roof (left) and missing upstairs shutters. This photo was taken looking north from the river road across the broad bottom that was the site of the Sauk and Meskwaki massacre of the Iowas during the early 19th Century. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

My grandfather lives in Eldon and during a visit there he insisted on taking me around and showing me the historic sites in and around the town. This was one of them he took me too... but he couldn't remember what indian Chief the place refered to. I have spent forever trying to find more information and this is the first i've found on the building!

Frank D. Myers said...

Since the building always was kind of in the side yard of Jim Jordan's big house nearby, I suspect farm help lived in it although it hasn't been occupied in a very long time. I was mistaken when I said the building was publicly owned. It actually is privately held, although as of last fall the owner was working with others in the Eldon area to see if a way could be found to get in back into shape.