Friday, April 14, 2023

The Devil and Art Cullen ....

I follow Art Cullen on Twitter, such as it is, and probably on Facebook, too. It's easy to lose one's social media bearings in these troubled times.

More than 30 years ago, Art and his brother, John, founded The Storm Lake Times, in competition with the venerable Storm Lake Pilot-Tribune. David taking on Goliath in a modest sort of way. Last year, the Cullen boys bought out the Pilot-Tribune and Art now is editor and publisher of the merged Times Pilot.

Back in 2017,  he brought home to Iowa a Pulitzer for editorial writing.

Also more than 30 years ago, I was working with Art at The Globe-Gazette in Mason City just before the Storm Lake enterprise was launched.

OK --- so I liked his delightful sister-in-law, Carol Gales, better.

Be that as it may, this is a round-about way to tell you that I really liked Art's column this week, headlined "The devil is working overtime."

Here's a line: "Jesus raised a glass with women of ill repute and surely would drink a Bud Light with Kid Rock or a drag queen. He would tell them to treat each other with a little decency, bring the children unto him and don’t mess up what God left you — everything you need if you only could see it. The devil is in the distractions."

Now follow this link and go read the rest.

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