Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Many thanks & bleeding hearts ...

So is spring a little late this year? I got to wondering about that this morning and looked back at posts here from April of 2022 and 2021. It looks like last year was similar, but during 2021, these bleeding hearts --- and many more flowers --- were blooming on April 19 in the museum gardens.

Not at all the case this year, although we've had plenty of jonquils, a scattering of tulips and the redbuds are coming into full  bloom this week --- as a frosty weekend is in the forecast.

Many thanks to all who attended last evening's annual membership meeting of the Lucas County Historical Society. We always have way too much pie, so I have a plate of mixed varieties in the refrigerator that will see me through the week.

I'll post the script of my presentation here tomorrow morning, if all goes to plan (some of the photos I need are on the home computer; others are at the office). So until then, this is it. Thanks again!

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