Thursday, April 06, 2023

A little more about living the resurrection ....

I spent some time this morning with the comments directed at this pre-Easter posting by the Rev. Caleb J. Lines (left) on his Facebook feed, which is located here.

The Rev. Mr. Lines, a Missouri native, is senior minister of University Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in San Diego as well as co-executive director of, the outfit that served as curator and distributor of the work during his lifetime of a hero of mine, the late Episcopal Bishop John Shelby Spong.

Land sakes alive, if you counted the number of comments accusing Lines of heresy this morning you'd almost think many of his Facebook friends and/or followers subscribed for no reason other than to annoy themselves.

Notice that he doesn't say you can't believe Jesus was physically resurrected --- if that floats your boat.

On the other hand, the suggestion here is that resurrection --- no matter how the term is understood --- has immediate as well as long-term implications, including the obligation to "become" the resurrection and live accordingly.

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