Sunday, January 22, 2023

Which came first: Chicken, egg or inflation?

I'm not a big consumer of eggs --- a dozen a month in their normal state; others mixed into commercially prepared foodstuffs consumed. 

So I don't follow the price of a dozen regularly, although someone reported $10 for 12 somewhere the other day --- and that got my attention. The most costly I was able to find at Hy-Vee "Aisles Online" this morning was about $6 and there were less expensive options.

Why? A combination of widespread avian flu outbreaks that reduce the number of laying hens and increased costs of production. 

So I've been wondering if backyard egg production is going to make a comeback (I believe, but have not checked for sure, that there's an ordinance forbidding such in Chariton now). I'll check and get back to you on this.

Providing you don't have a rooster that likes to crow at inconvenient times, a few old hens are unlikely to bother the neighbors. And there's your supply of eggs sorted, providing you're willing to take care of them, feed and water them and provide suitable shelter. 

Of course it's more practical just to buy them --- and consider, in comparison, how much other items you consume cost; $2-4 or more for a cup of Starbucks, for example.

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