Tuesday, January 03, 2023

An amusing story --- or bad parenting?

I found this little story in The Chariton Patriot of Jan. 28, 1874, and thought at first --- that's funny. This conclusion from the perspective of someone who has no experience with infants other than having been one at some point.

But then I got to overthinking about it. What would you do, father or mother, if you returned home and found the baby tucked up safely in bed but the other parent absent?

I'd now thinking that the mother was at fault for leaving her child unattended and the father was at fault for behaving badly after that. I just hope they had a little conversation after the incident and all of their children managed to survive them.


On Whom Is the Joke --- A few nights ago a Chariton husband on returning home at rather a late hour found the baby snugly tucked in its little bed fast asleep, but was somewhat surprised to find that the wife had dropped in at a near neighbor's to wile away the hours in conversation with a friend. The failure to find his spouse at her post somewhat irritated the "hubby" and he immediately decided that a little revenge should be had in some way, so the key was turned in the front door and the arrival of the truant wife anxiously awaited. But a short time elapsed until the wife, on trying to enter, was told that "if she wanted in very badly she could go to the back door," the result of which was that our peevish friend had to spend the night alone with the child. Just what he did or said will probably never be known, but one would have thought from his appearance the next day that he had had no sleep for a week. After getting a good night's rest and taking breakfast at the neighbor's, the wife returned looking so good natured that "hubby" concluded that maybe he had been a little too fast and --- all went "merry as a marriage bell," only we have heard the matter discussed considerably as to whom the joke was on.

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