Tuesday, October 18, 2022

The queen and Chuck Grassley

Needless to say, I've never voted for Iowa's senior U.S. senator, Chuck Grassley, nor do I intend to this year. But I'd say he has, at the age of 89, a good chance of re-election --- despite the results of a recent poll that showed him holding the narrowest margin of his long career.

Here's a link to The Washington Post's report on that: "2022 politics come to Chuck Grassley’s now-shaky reelection bid." His opponent this year is Democrat Mike Franken, a retired U.S. Navy admiral.

Iowans tend to hold on to their incumbent senators --- whether we like them or not. And I'm not quite sure why that is. Grassley has had a long career of notable mediocrity, having built a modest reputation as a public funds watchdog --- as long as it suited him --- and for driving himself in an old car to each and every one of Iowa's 99 counties to visit annually with the homefolks.

I couldn't help but notice, during recent last rites for Britain's Queen Elizabeth II, a couple of similarities. Mr. Grassley apparently has convinced himself that he, too, must serve until removed by the hand of death. But who is the Prince (or Princess) of Wales to Chuck's queen?


As usual, a lot of political advertising has arrived in my mailbox this year --- and gone directly to recycling. Does anyone actually read this stuff?

And then there are all of those political advertisements plunked into some of my favorite YouTube streaming experiences. I have yet to see a positive ad from a candidate of any party; something highlighting what he or she actually would try to accomplish if elected.

Instead, each is about why the other is unqualified to serve. 

And so it goes in another election year.

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