Sunday, October 02, 2022

Ignorance allied with power ....

I've been reading previews this morning of what may be in store as the U.S. Supreme Court begins its new term, loaded now with far-right agendas. Having dealt with Roe v. Wade during the last term, potential targets this time around for the court include voting rights, remnants of affirmative action and, of course, the old favorite --- rights and privileges extended to LGBTQ folks, including marriage.

So this quote from the late, great James Baldwin came to mind --- published in an anthology of his works entitled "The Price of the Ticket" during 1985 by Beacon Press, the publishing arm of the Unitarian Universalist Association.

That's not to imply that the justices who now form a right-wing majority are ignorant --- they're not that, merely evil. But it is the ignorance of a voter base that gives them power, and that's the frightening thing.

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