Friday, September 30, 2022

Distinguished museum guests --- plus an open house

We were happy to welcome these distinguished guests from the State Historical Society of Iowa and its administrative parent, the Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs, to Lucas County's Historical Society Museum Thursday afternoon.

They are (from left) Susan Kloewer, administrator of the State Historical Society of Iowa; Leo Landis, state curator of museum and historic sites; Kylie Dittmer, vice-chair of the State Historical Society Board of Trustees (and a member of the Lucas County Historical Society Board of Directors); Meg Witt, events and facility rental manager for the Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs; and Chris Kramer, director of the Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs.

They were in Chariton because the State Historical Society's Board of Trustees, which ordinarily meets in Des Moines, was on the road Friday --- meeting and sharing lunch in the Elbow Room of the Hotel Charitone. The session also included a visit to Chariton High School building, a structure that will celebrate its centennial during 2023; and to Piper's, where everyone had an opportunity to stock up on homemade candy.

We'll be wrapping up a busy week at the museum today and Saturday. Watch for museum vehicles --- Dwight Thompson's bright orange 1938 Allis-Chalmers tractor and the 1929 Model A Ford --- in today's Chariton Community Schools homecoming parade.

And on Saturday from 9 a.m. until noon everyone's invited to stop at the museum for coffee, hot cider, Piper's doughnuts, popcorn --- and (we hope) peanuts freshly roasted in the vintage Piper's roaster. All the buildings will be open for tours and, as always, admission is free. Hope to see you then!

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