Friday, July 22, 2022

Howard Threlkeld and Molly, Iowa's oldest horse

Obviously, the assertion that Old Molly was Iowa's most venerable horse back in the 1940s remains open to counterclaims --- but here in Lucas County we would need firm evidence before giving up on this claim to statewide distinction.

Molly's first brush with fame came during November of 1945 when, having celebrated her 42nd birthday, she was featured on the front page of The Chariton Herald-Patriot of Nov. 8. The image here, lifted from microfilm, is not good but at least her general outline is evident.

"Pictured above with its owner, Howard Threlkeld, is what is believed to be the oldest horse in the state of Iowa. She just celebrated her 42nd birthday. Howard says that she was born on the farm he is now farming, worked steadily until the last three years when he turned her out to pasture and retirement."

Three years later, on May 6, 1948, Molly was back on the front page of The Herald-Patriot, having observed her 45th birthday:

"Old Molly, pictured above, may just be a member of the equine family to most persons, but to Howard Threlkeld, living about five miles southeast of Chariton, she is a family heirloom. This week Molly had a birthday --- her 45th --- and this, say those who know, makes Molly the oldest horse in Iowa and until other proof is established, the oldest in the United States. On her birthday, Howard got out the old carriage to which she has been hitched as part of a team so many times in bygone years and she lined up in position almost automatically. The carriage was purchased 40 years ago from the Rea Hardware Company, located where the Supply Store now stands, for the sum of $135."

Sadly, Molly's end was near and on May 11, 1948, The Chariton Leader reported her death: "Old Molly  had a birthday May 1 and had her picture taken. On May 5, Molly died. She was owned by Howard Threlkeld and had reached her 45th birthday. She was, at the time of her death, the oldest horse in Iowa."


The setting for this tale is the Salem neighborhood, along the Blue Grass Road southeast of Chariton. 

Molly's owner, Howard Threlkeld (1884-1961), had moved to the farm on the corner just north of Salem School during 1895 with his parents, Austin B. and Sarah (McKinley) Threlkeld, and grew up there with an older brother, Roy.

Howard continued to farm there, living with his mother until her death at age 85 during October of 1942.

In no hurry to marry, he waited until he was 75 to wed Miss Alta Johnston, a neighbor and fellow member of the Salem Church congregation, on Sept. 11, 1960. She was 61 at the time.

Sadly, Howard died less than a year later --- on Feb. 23, 1961. Alta outlived Howard by more than 20 years, passing at the age of 87 during January of 1988. Howard and Alta are buried in the Russell Cemetery.

I have no information about the disposition of Molly's remains.

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