Sunday, June 26, 2022

Do not be daunted ...

A highly valued cousin of mine shared this lovely advisory, attributed to the Talmud, this morning. And I wanted to pass it along.

The words seem appropriate in the aftermath of last week's Supreme Court decision, now controlled for the benefit of those who are white, evangelical and heterosexual by partisan idealogues, regarding Roe v. Wade. Having bloodied the water, it's clear now that the sharks are circling the rest of us --- including people of color and LGBTQ+ --- as well as independent minded women of all descriptions.

But before passing the advisory along, I decided to track the specific reference.

So I can tell you that this is an interpretive translation of the original found in Rabbi Rami M. Shapiro's 1995 volume, "Wisdom of the Jewish Sages: A Modern Reading of the Pirke Avot."

The Pirke Avot is part of the Mishnah --- a collection of Jewish legal discussions, stories, etc.; and the Talmud is commentary on the Mishnah.

It's not necessary to know any of this in order to appreciate the wisdom of the words, but now I do --- and so do you.

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