Sunday, May 22, 2022

The "Jesus is gonna wup yore ass" school of theology

Well, it's been an entertaining week on the religious front --- providing you're not a moderate or progressive preacher or priest uncomfortable with the "Jesus is gonna wup yore ass" school of theology and considering his or her sermon topic this morning.

Out in San Francisco, that great mitered showboat Roman Catholic Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone --- a guy who misses the good old Inquisition days when you could just burn folks who disagreed with you --- denied U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi access to the Eucharist because of her pro-choice politics.

This despite the fact Pope Francis has cautioned his bishops and priests about politicizing the sacraments. Salvatore apparently felt he hadn't had enough attention from the media lately and decided on a grand gesture to deflect a little of the attention from that big softie in Vatican City. His Pelosi ban is effective only in his archdiocese, by the way, not the U.S. Catholic Church in general.

Meanwhile, over in the UK Franklin Graham has launched his "God Loves You" tour, commencing in Liverpool. He arrived in Wales on Saturday.

Graham planned to stage this tour in 2020, but all of his venues cancelled upon learning about the strongly homophobic views of the North Carolina preacher. Whackadoodles like Graham aren't widely understood outside the United States and Russia. 

He subsequently sued and courts tended to back his assertion that he had been discriminated against. That's Frank at right above with his buddy, the former Donald Trump.

I'm reasonably certain that most Brits understand that when Frank says "God Loves You" he doesn't mean you, and you, and you .... So they should be OK.

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