Thursday, May 19, 2022

Of course "the great replacement" is nonsense ...

... but deadly nonsense, as 18-year-old Payton Gendron illustrated Saturday while slaughtering 10 at a Buffalo, New York, supermarket.

Nothing amusing about it, although I did appreciate the dark humor in the illustration here, launched in the aftermath by veteran editorial cartoonist Mike Peters for The Dayton (Ohio) Daily News.

One of the resources I've found helpful while trying to wrap my aging brain around an absurd and dangerous concept that seems to have been growing in popularity for some time among white supremacists is this, "The Great Replacement:" An Explainer from the ADL (aka Anti-Defamation League).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It seems to be a fact that pure whites will soon be less than 50% of the US population, but that is due more to mixing with citizens of other ethnicities than to immigration.

I read someone supposedly quoting census data saying the percentage of foreign-born in the US has not much changed for decades.
Bill H