Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Jim Palmer on the importance of language ....

I've borrowed a few words (and an illustration) from Jim Palmer to meditate on this morning, lifted from one of his social media feeds. Palmer is a former Christian minister who writes now primarily about non-religious spirituality. His Facebook page is here, but he also publishes on Twitter and elsewhere as well as, yes, in the form of old-fashioned books.

Noble aspirations, these --- and I'm guessing few of us live up to them. But worth considering in these troublesome times when it's tempting to use words to stir the boiling pot rather than to turn to turn the heat down.


"Challenge yourself today to abstain from false speech. Abstain from malicious, derogatory, diminishing and harsh speech, and from idle, meaningless, and superficial chatter. Do not speak in a way that creates discord among people. Do not let your words be cynical or hostile. Do not engage in gossip.
"Speak only that which is constructive. Be virtuous, even noble, in the way you use your words. Speak in ways that promote harmony among people. Speak mindfully in order that your speech is useful and purposeful. Speak that which is meaningful and adds something of value to the world. Let your attitude be bent toward kindness, empathy and goodwill.
"In those moments of disagreement, dissent or speaking truth to power, speak with courage, conviction and passion but choose your words prudently. Not only will this kind of speaking matter in the world, you will find this brings you great happiness and joy.
"Keep in mind that some of the most hateful speech are the words we say to ourselves. We judge, condemn, shame and diminish ourselves with self-loathing speech. Seek not to speak a cruel word against yourself."

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