Sunday, October 24, 2021

Disarming "Onward, Christian Soldiers"

A friend who also is a pastor shared a Brian McLaren (left) quote this morning that I liked (McLaren is a leading light in what sometimes is called progressive Christianity, or the emerging church) --- "In Christ, we we see an image of God who is not armed with lightning bolts but with basin and towel, who spewed not threats but good news for all, who rode not on a warhorse but a donkey, weeping compassion for people who do not know the way of peace."

This reminded me of another McLaren's many adventures in annoying the orthodox --- rewriting the lyrics of that old evangelical warhorse "Onward, Christian Soldiers," 1865 words by Sabine Baring-Gould set to music in 1871 by Arthur Sullivan and adopted as the rallying anthem of the Salvation Army.

Here are McLaren's words:

1. Onward, all disciples, in the path of peace,
Just as Jesus taught us, love your enemies
Walk on in the Spirit, seek God’s kingdom first,
Let God’s peace and justice be your hunger and your thirst!
Onward, all disciples, in humility
Walk with God, do justice, love wholeheartedly.

2. We now face our failures in remorse and tears.
We must hammer plowshares from our swords and spears,
Turn from the broad highway of prejudice and war
To follow Jesus to a place we’ve never been before
Onward, all disciples, in humility
Walk with God, do justice, love wholeheartedly.

3. Feel a fresh wind stirring. Justice, flowing free,
Makes our deserts bloom in Eden-like beauty.
Seek the greatest treasure: let peace be your dream –
Justice like a river and an ever flowing stream!
Onward, all disciples, in humility
Walk with God, do justice, love wholeheartedly.

4. All regimes of violence, dominating power,
They will boast of victory for their fragile hour.
But the way of Jesus, weaponless and meek,
Will not be defeated, and so his way we seek.
Onward, all disciples, in humility
Walk with God, do justice, love wholeheartedly.

5. Onward arm in arm, then, onward hand in hand,
March with joyful song so all can understand
Nothing is impossible for our God above,
Through the power of service and the gentle might of love.
Onward, all disciples, in humility
Walk with God, do justice, love wholeheartedly.

6. Boldly let us venture where Christ’s feet have trod
Sharing the adventure of the living God
Saving, not condemning, not casting a stone,
Spreading a rich banquet for the outcast and alone.
Onward, all disciples, in humility
Walk with God, do justice, love wholeheartedly

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