Monday, April 19, 2021

Flowers that bloom (before the big freeze)

We're headed into a spring freeze-up here in the south of Iowa this week with overnight lows predicted at 31 today, 27 Tuesday and 29 Wednesday --- not the best of weather news.

I added some rosemary and additional sage to the Stephens House herb garden late last week, but both should be hardy enough to make it through without protection.

Nor should much of what's blooming elsewhere around the museum grounds be in much danger, but I took a few shots early last evening --- just in case.

Tulips have pride of place, running well ahead of those scheduled to burst forth in our neighbor to the northeast, Pella, as that city's annual Tulip Time celebration is revived after cancellation last year because of COVID-19.

The dates are Thursday-Saturday, May 6-8, but no parades this year. Social distancing will be imposed where that's possible and masks will be encouraged.

Elsewhere in the museum garden, the bleeding heart is in bloom.

As are grape hyacinths.

And quite frankly I'm not sure what this pretty blue flowering plant is called.

The bright yellow daffodils have for the most part faded, but there still are plenty of their cousins still in bloom.

And a couple of flowering shrubs are showing off, too.

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