Friday, November 06, 2020

Georgia on my mind ...

No, I haven't lost any sleep over the election. But yes, I've been spending too much time checking results. So here's hoping the count is completed today in those key swing states --- Georgia, Pennsylvania, Arizona and Nevada. And that the current Biden-Harris trend continues.

I've been eyeing the field for potential young contenders in future elections --- hoping we do manage to dispose of the odoriferous Trump, his deplorable family and contemptible sycophants. Please, goddess of elections, may we never see Rudy Giuliani again.

There's lots of interesting potential on the Democrat side, including Kamala Harris, Pete Buttigieg and others. But I've been thinking of Georgia this morning, and Stacey Abrams, whose hard work generally is credited with a big part in the blue trend there.

The razor-edge difference in party totals in several places also is worth noting. Never let anyone tell you that there's no point in voting. Quite obviously, every vote is important.

1 comment:

Charles Wright said...

Frank - To quote the composer, "Thank you so much for doing that."

Charles Wright