Sunday, August 16, 2020

Sunday morning walkabout in Kay's garden ...

What better way to start a new week filled with both promise and trepidation than a walkabout in my lovely friend Kay Brown's garden. Even though it isn't technically Kay's garden anymore.

Rex and Kay passed their magnificent old home at the intersection of East Auburn Avenue and North Fifth Street in Chariton on to new owners last winter as they downsized and Kay "retired," sort of.

Kay also is responsible for the design and implementation of the Lucas County Historical Society campus gardens --- now in an advisory capacity; and without her, we struggle but persevere.

So I gathered these images, mostly taken during the spring and summer of 2015 when Kay's garden was at its peak, and assembled them into a modest video slideshow. Relax, take a break from scrolling through the social media, take a deep breath and enjoy.


Lucinda Burkhalter said...

Beautiful home and flower gardens. Thank you Kay for using your "green thumb" talents and love of flowers with our LCHS community.

Kay Brown said...

Gee Frank what a wonderful presentation of my gardens through the years. Thank you so much and also all those many folks who helped me with them (Rex did a lot of that work) and your encouragement and support. The pictures are just spectacular. This Sunday was a lovely browse through Facebook. (=