Monday, April 27, 2020

War photography and 45th anniversary of the fall

The social media offer an aid to those of us prone to forgetfulness --- by "liking," "following" or "friending" you can keep track of people whose names may (temporarily) slip your mind.

That was the case this morning when I went looking for the Facebook page of Christopher Gaynor, who I follow. Gaynor lives on Vashon Island (in Puget Sound) with his husband and is a Vietnam veteran who attracted positive attention a few years ago when he resurrected some remarkable photographs he had taken while in service and made them public.

I remembered all of that and had been trying to tell someone about Gaynor's work (but had forgotten his name). So now we all know.

This seems an appropriate time to do a little looking back --- April 30 will be the 45th anniversary of the fall of Saigon and the end of the U.S. war in Vietnam. By going to his Facebook page you can find links to some of those photographs. Here's a link.

1 comment:

Evan Nethercott said...

The documentary The Vietnam War produced by Ken Burns and Kim Novak, was a visceral experience for me, almost deja-vu. I was quite young during the Vietnam War, but we lived in the DC suburbs and my father was a very hawkish CIA employee. And the fact that a war was raging halfway across the world was always in our minds. May I add, too, THE SOUND TRACK IS FRIKKIN' AWESOME.