Friday, August 16, 2019

Afternoon at the Hotel Ottumwa --- with Mayor Pete

It was great afternoon, Thursday, to head an hour east and sit in on a campaign appearance in Ottumwa by Mayor Pete Buttigieg, my favorite in the Democratic field.

Several of us from Lucas County made the trip down and I did remember to take the camera, but borrowed this shot from Jim Zastawniak. That's Linda Daniel O'Connell visiting with the candidate. My shots were more general --- or slightly out of focus.

We arrived early, which was a good thing because the ballroom of the downtown Hotel Ottumwa filled quickly with a standing-room-only crowd. There was a tremendous amount of positive energy in that room, as there tends to be among Democrats.

The candidate was almost on time --- relaxed and amiable afterwards, taking time to visit with all who gathered around him for photos and a little quick conversation. I've a feeling he wasn't quite so on time for his other appearances that afternoon --- in Fairfield and Oskaloosa.

Buttigieg, I think, is the most dynamic candidate in the current field and he reminds me a lot of Barack Obama --- super-intelligent, well-spoken and inspiring, yet composed. Any Democratic candidate is my candidate, of course, but I really like Mayor Pete.

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