Sunday, June 23, 2019

A sample from "Art at the Museum"

We had a great day --- albeit a long one --- at the museum Saturday. So I didn't return home last night filled with energy and prepared to sort through a couple of hundred images. Actually, I kind of limped home. 

So these images of Larry Squibb's found metal art, on display and for sale outside Puckerbrush School, are going to have to be representational --- until there's time to look through the rest.

The variety of media was amazing, as was the talent of the artists --- and the stamina of those who show at events like this on a regular basis.

We started the day with a downpour, but a majority of the artists were under cover and the rain ceased  shortly thereafter and it turned into a beautiful day.

So thanks to everyone who participated --- the artists, the visitors, our volunteers, the vendors, organizers and promoters. It was a great day for the visual arts (and performance) arts in Lucas County!

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