Thursday, December 13, 2018

"We're from Baxoje, Baxoje, state of all the land ....

I had a good time over the noon hour yesterday talking about Lucas County's Native American past with Chariton Community School third-graders, all of whom are extraordinarily bright and attentive. Many in this group of 100 or so visited the museum as second-graders during May of 2017, so there were familiar faces in the crowd.

I'm by no means an expert on Native American history, but had the big advantage of being available; therefore, the invitation.

I put together a double-sided hand-out that summarizes some of the things I think every Lucas Countyan in good standing should know about her or his home county and thought I'd post it here this morning.

One of the items I find interesting, under "Stuff to Remember," is that although Iowa is named for the Ioway tribe, the Ioway know themselves as "Baxoje" (pronounced BAH-ko-jay). Thing of it is, "Baxoje" would work almost as well as "Ioway" in the Iowa Corn Song, but I'm not suggesting we modify our state's name at this late date.

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