Thursday, September 08, 2016

Professor Mitchell takes on the media ...

Our friend Frank Mitchell had a great afternoon Wednesday, autographing copies of his new Lucas County history at the Chariton Free Public Library. Many stopped by in a more or less constant stream to visit --- and in many cases to buy, too.

Including (from left) Dick Young, Lucille Young and Joan Kingsbury.

He also gave a few copies away --- some suggested too many. Frank just reminded the naysayers that it was his book and that he could do as he pleased.

WHO-TV happened to be in town Wednesday for an RVTV extravaganza on the square --- a considerable success despite the fact it kept raining now and then. As a result, Prof. Mitchell (emeritus professor of history at the University of Southern California) had a brush with stardom, featuring largely in an historical sketch of Chariton produced by Scott Siepker, aka "Iowa Nice Guy," shown here with Frank.

And Sam Lozada, behind the camera.

If you missed it on the news last night, you can find it at the WHO-TV web site.

It's a funny piece, but in some cases not especially good history. The Honey War, for example, had nothing in particular to do with Lucas County, which had neither native nor EuroAmerican  occupants in the 1830s when the border dispute with Missouri was under way, involving the southern border of the range of counties to the south, most still unsettled, too. But Frank had nothing to do with with that part of the production.

And it was all in good fun, anyway.

If you'd like a copy of Frank's book, "Locale and Universe: The Shared Story of the Heartland's Lucas County, Iowa," you can pick one up for $32 (tax included) in the genealogy room at the public library.

If you'd like to order by mail, write a check to "Frank Mitchell" for $35.09 (that includes $3.09 for postage) and send it with your order to Lucas County Genealogical Society, % Chariton Public Library, 803 Braden Ave., Chariton, IA 50049.

If you'd like to catch up with the author, Frank will be back at the library with autographing pen in hand from 1 to 3 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 21.

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