Sunday, August 21, 2016

Taking time to smell the lilies ...

Well, actually not. I'd have needed waders.

But Saturday's was the first afternoon in a while when the high was in just the 70s, the humidity was relatively low and the breeze was cool.

The perfect day to wander around a little at Red Haw and admire the Fragrant Water Lilies (Nymphaea odorata) now blooming in inlets and here and there along the shoreline.

Elsewhere, everything is intensely green --- a little too early for the autumn show to begin.

But I did find a yellow swallowtail, colors distorted here because of backlighting, willing to pose briefly.

And we chased each other for about five minutes.

1 comment:

norm prince said...

Super Great that ‘old boys’ like ourselves can enjoy chasing butterflies, walking about in natures beauty, savoring more descent weather, and just living in this day, this moment, this place, along our journey. Thank you for sharing the beauty you found in your day.