I've been plugging away this week on scripts for the annual Chariton Cemetery Heritage Tour, scheduled for Sunday, Sept. 20 --- and that's cut into the time I have available to do what I do best: Waste it. Plus the dishes haven't been washed for two days. You know it's time when you have to rinse a plate in order to eat. So I'm in kind of a hurry.
As a result, here are some photos I took last evening out at the north access to Lake Morris when I drove out to take another look at the spot where Lyle Morris's commemorative sign will be placed. The dedicatory program will begin here at 4 p.m. next Friday, Sept. 11. All are welcome.
As I've written before, Lyle was the young man from Derby --- among the first Lucas Countyans to die in World War II --- after whom the lake was named. He was killed at his battle station aboard the carrier U.S.S. Enterprise on Oct. 26, 1942, during an assault by Japanese forces, then buried at sea.
This is such a peaceful place --- owned and maintained by the city and the Chariton Water Board --- widely known by those who fish, but a little off the beaten path. Since the entrance to the lane that leads down to the water isn't marked, you've got to know where you're going in order to get there.
The big cottonwoods are beginning to turn, signaling summer's end --- it's a great place just to stand or sit, admire the scenery and meditate about this or that. If more people did that, instead of fussing about inconsequentials, this would be a better world.
Here's about where the sign will be placed, near the boulder.
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