Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Charitone book cost: $20; available early December

I promised an update when a price had been set for the new book, "The Charitone: Reviving the Cornerstone of Chariton's Square." That's been set now at $20, a remarkably good deal in this day and age. And if printer promises are kept, copies should arrive in Chariton during early December and be available for Christmas giving.

Published by the Lucas County Preservation Alliance, I wrote the narrative. Ray Meyer added a detailed introduction, conclusion and appendices --- including a list that acknowledges the financial contributors without whom the $5.5 million Charitone project would not have been possible. The illustrations are a mix of my photographs, photos by Jeri Reeve and vintage images.

Here's the table of contents, which will give you an idea of the book's scope. Those of us who read the final proof were very happy with the way it turned out. It's a darned good read.

Once copies arrive, they'll be available at several locations in Chariton, including the Chariton Hy-Vee store, Charitone Market Grille, Piper's, the Chariton Area Chamber/Main Street office and offices of the Meyer Law Firm.

Orders also may be placed by mail beginning now, using the form below (right click, then open full-size in a new window and print).

The mailing cost is $6 for one or two copies; $12 for three or four copies. 

We'll let you know when the books arrive in town.

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