Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Art Attack in the Main Street District

It's Art Attack week in Chariton, a Chariton Area Chamber/Main Street-sponsored event wherein some 22 invited artists from near and far display their work in business and professional establishments around the square, turning the Main Street District into a rather large gallery. Visitors are welcome to stop in at any time during business hours, take a look and vote for their favorites.

In addition, businesses will be open until 7 p.m. Thursday and some artists will be working on site during those hours.

I happened to be in Family Shoe Monday afternoon when the artist whose work is on display there, Ron "Swede" Meyer (top), walked in. His works are among the most traditional on display this year --- you'll find works in various other media and in many other styles as you walk around the square.

Here are works by my neighbor, Nash Cox, in the display window at Blong Chiropractic.

And works in various media by Ashley Bedford at Copy Plus.

Art Attack leads up to the annual Lucas County Arts Festival, scheduled for 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday at the C.B.&Q. Freight House and sponsored by the Lucas County Arts Council and Vredenburg Performing Arts Series. Art Attack awards --- both juried and people's choice --- will be presented at 3 p.m. Saturday at the Freight House.

You can stop in at the Chamber/Main Street office on the east side of the square to pick up a brochure that includes a map, showing all of the display sites and the artists whose works will be found there. Enjoy!

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