Monday, May 05, 2014

Green grass, cheap Zen and yoeman yoga

The lawnmower started first pull Saturday, so now the front yard at least can hold its head high in the neighborhood. Grass on either side already had been cut twice, but my feeling is that a lawn needs a little time to express itself in the spring.

The back yard is another matter, but I'll get to that in segments before the next rain. The lot is an eighth of a block, so rather large. And it isn't landscaped, it just is.

Originally, I figured I'd finish it up Sunday afternoon, then went next door to talk to the neighbor about his model train setup and, after some discussion, we agreed it was still a little too wet to mow. Fine by me.

This pretty little tree actually belongs to a neighbor who no longer is there (in assisted living; the house is for sale). He planted it very close to the property line, which means every time I mow I curse it after ending up with a mouthful of leaves and a few slaps from branches. I think it's an ornamental cherry.

But in the spring, I don't complain --- it's too pretty.

Years ago, I started having the front lawn sprayed and fertilized a couple of times a year in deference to the aforementioned neighbor, who spent way too much time obsessing about dandelions and creeping charlie; my greenery made him mad and his complaining about it made me mad --- so professional lawn care was called in to mediate.

But never the back, because I like it the way it is --- spangled with dandelions and sparkling with thousands of blue and white violets in the grass.

Down the street a ways, the owners mow I swear twice a week --- and the result is akin to a Zen garden with nary a blade of grass out of place. I kind of like the effect.

But I figure mowing the lawn is like walking meditation --- and you don't want to hurry that. Cheap Zen or yoeman yoga.

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