Sunday, November 24, 2013

One horse open sleigh

There seems to be general agreement that James Lord Pierpont wrote "Jingle Bells" back in the early 1850s to be performed at Thanksgiving, not Christmas. But exactly why --- another matter. Some say it was written in Medford, Massachusetts, inspired by popular sleigh races. Others, that it was written in Savannah, Georgia, for a Thanksgiving program at the Unitarian church. I'm putting my money on Medford.

Whatever the case, it's darned close to sleighing weather here. Sand was required to navigate the steep slope down to the patio in front of the barn yesterday morning, the ground was crusted with snow and it was darned cold (it's 5 degrees this morning!) when we got together at the museum to do a little decorating. Yes, we waited too long. But it got done anyway.

Our one horse sleigh has been loaded aboard a trailer and outlined with garland and lights in preparation for the lighted Christmas parade next Friday evening. So we worked a while on that. 

The signs out front acquired some greenery, as did the front door of the Stephens House. Then we climbed up to the front porch balcony to hang 20 feet of garland. 

It not only looked cold, it was cold.

Finally, we went inside to drink hot chocolate and coffee and eat cinnamon rolls. Thanks Kay! As well as Rex (who had to use a blowtorch to get the barn door open), Jim, Hugh, Kathleen, Kylie and Karoline.

1 comment:

Brenda said...

The sleigh looks beautiful!

I hope to see you in Corydon at the tour of homes. I have another jar of jelly for you!