Tuesday, September 27, 2011

That "Square Deal" blog

I've cobbled together a header, posted a few vintage photos and now linked from the sidebar at right "Chariton's Square Deal," a blog developed for the Lucas County Historical Society, the Chariton Historic Preservation Commission and my own entertainment.

There are days when I think I have entertainment overload, however. I got so involved in other projects last Tuesday I actually forgot it was Tuesday and didn't realize until Wednesday that I'd missed a couple of  meetings. I think it's time to start writing stuff down on a calendar instead of depending on memory.

As this progresses, I hope, logical navigation will be from the right sidebar. The beginning of the form is there, but needs development. Anyhow, you're welcome to take a look.

The postcard images were collected by the late and lamented Chariton native Gary Tharp, and I've had them for a long time. The originals were given to the Lucas County Historical Society by his brother, Ronnie, after Gary's death. Other vintage images are from the historical society's collection and various other sources. As time goes by, I'll indicate photo sources.

While anyone interested is welcome to download these images for personal use, the implied message involved in identifying sources involves Web etiquitte. If you plan to reuse images found here, indicate the source; and do not use them for commercial purposes without seeking permission, especially for those images from the society collection.

I've used an image here of the south side of the Chariton square, which because of fire and assorted disasters, including progress, is the most changed. If you didn't know the territory, you'd not recognize it when comparing the view then and the view now.

Only two of these old buildings remain, one at the far east end of the block now occupied by Chariton Floral and the other, housing a bar, just west of the alley. A drive-up bank occupies the larger share of the footprint of the big block in the foreground, which burned.

When the sun comes out again later this week, I'll get busy shooting more "after" views to match up with all these "befores."

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