Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Vagabond blogger

The home computer is hospitalized at the moment, so I'm roaming from computer to computer elsewhere. Coming to you live at the moment from the Lucas County Historical Society office. E-mail goes on as usual.

We had a heck of a busy Monday here, surprised last week when the Chamber informed us two bus tours would be arriving this week, one on Tuesday; the other, on Friday. We've not gotten our spring housecleaning done since the museum won't be officially open full-time until Memorial Day. And "clean-up day" in Chariton, when we usually have a good deal of help from volunteer high school students, isn't until next week.

So I got out a broom and dustpan and headed first thing for the log cabin, not heated or cleaned during the winter and not especially resistant to critters, especially bugs. That took the morning. The cleaning lady already had taken care of the church and school.

Then the tour, which was fun --- a group of 33 from Greenfield. "Tourists" are interesting because they notice things we don't. We failed in only one instance --- a display of saddles in a lower gallery that we already knew was badly in need of attention. That requires sunshine so we can haul them outdoors for a day --- and we've had little of that lately.

Then, in the post-Easter absence of the vicar, I ended up leading Compline for a small group at one of the apartment complexes in the evening. One thing after another.

And now, I expect, I'd better get to work.

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