Sunday, November 28, 2010

Circle of these November days

This late November Sunday sunrise had an escort, marked at 7 a.m. by dramatically illuminated crossed contrails over the neighbor's roof. In the west (over the low roofs of Columbus School), soft pinks and blues marked the rising.

Saturday was a wonderfully mild day of muted sunshine and today is forecast to be another, a bridge between Thanksgiving cold and the chilly rain predicted for later in the new week.

The same gentle color scheme dominated early yesterday at the marsh, where shapes left behind by summer now dominate the prairie and marshland growth.

At the lake, later in the day, a few leaves still clinging optimistically to a branch along the shoreline and a skim of geese on the water.

And finally, not long before sunset while sitting on the bench inscribed "Emma Thomas Walked Here" this view to the west.

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