Saturday, August 30, 2008

Say a prayer ...

... for our friends along the Gulf Coast as Gustav heads that way. After June, Iowans should have considerably more empathy for folks who live in places that occasionally go under. I hope (and pray) that by the time I get back to this computer more than a week from now, Gustav will have dissipated without causing major damage and folks like Grandmere Mimi et. al. who made the trek from Thibodaux inland to New Roads today will be back in their homes safe and sound.

I'm headed south in the morning and get to stay for a while --- and that's a luxury for me. Now if I could just make up my mind if I want to get out of bed at 4:30 a.m. and hit the road at 5:30 or wait until the more civilized hour of 9. Guess it'll depend on when I wake up --- but I sure do like that early morning drive.

I owe a bunch of people e-mails. If you're one of them --- I've not forgotten; I've just been falling farther and farther behind this week. Give me another week,and I'll be back on track.

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